Look at this stunning chandelier named Juliette. I had to take a real close up so you could appreciate the workmanship and detailing.

Julie also creates other beautiful furniture. Here is her Garland Vanity, complete with signature Julie Neill crown.

Perhaps Julie's most interesting new development is her ability to cut metal into any shape she desires. This is allowing her unlimited options as to what she can create. Pictured above is Artemis Chandelier with crystal drops.

The Meme Chandelier was stunning!

I was so taken with this brand new design that I forgot to write the name down. How about the Fabulous!

Here is another new design named Jeffery! And as luck would have it, you will meet Jeffery in my next post!

Another new item is the Chain Spiral. This is an innovative and decorative way to trail your Chandelier chain from the ceiling to your fixture. No more ribbon sleeves for me.

So how does Julie ensure that her lights remain stunning? She makes them right in New Orleans. We had a chance to visit the studio and meet the artists, hard at work creating these custom pieces. They spend hours layering and layering to create the special finishes. Julie checks each and every one daily to make sure they all have her signature patina!

We had such fun!! Here we all are chatting on the bed! From left to right: Me, Millie Gaines-Interior Designer, Julie Ponze-Director of Sales, and Julie Neill-The Bayou Contessa.

You may not be aware that Julie is also an accomplished artist and sells some of her work in her shop. Here is one of my favorites. The camera did not capture well the gold pattern or the watery teal blue color. I wish it had fit into my suitcase because it really spoke to me.

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