In the past my luck with houseplants has been...less than desirable. But not anymore! I bought this Christmas Cactus one year ago in a little, tiny pot. I have admired people who own Christmas Cactus' for quite some time and in awe of those that have had theirs for a decade or more. I kept hearing that "they're so easy to grow!", "very tolerant", "You can pretty much just ignore it". So I decided to give it a go. I wanted to start small just in case it should meet the untimely fate of my black thumb. Fortunately for me AND the plant, it's still alive and beautiful! It is now 4 times larger than it was when I got it and has a full bloom! There are little buds scattered all over it just waiting to pop out!

** Normally I would not be inclined to post about a houseplant, but this post is really intended for the benefit of my husband. He's skeptical about the possibility of me having a green thumb, so I needed proof!
Documented proof!
Ahhh...the sweet smell of success!
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