I LOVE to make old things new again and that was definitely the case with this black dresser. It was given to us by some friends that were packing up to move to Japan for a great job offer. They were limited on the things that they could take with them and furniture was something that they had to leave behind. When I saw that they had a dresser they wanted to get rid of, I jumped on it! It was not very attractive, but it was definitely functional and I knew that I could make it into something that would blend perfectly with the look of our house! All it needed was a little love...

We gave it a good scrub down, took off the very tall, skinny legs that were on the bottom, added brushed nickel knobs and label holders to each drawer. It was simple and inexpensive and I love the result! It looks like it has always been this way...

It's in our entryway and we have a drawer for mail, magazines, all of the kids' cold weather items (scarves, gloves, hats) and a drawer for miscellaneous items that need a home.
And this is the only "before" picture that I have of it. You can see the legs that we took off the bottom...

My husband thought I was crazy for taking it! Even as we were loading it into the truck he was saying "WHY are you taking this?", "We don't need this", "Karla, seriously. What are you going to do with this??". He definitely could not see my vision for it! I was certain that it would be great when I finished it though and it has turned out to be something that we use many times every day.
So keep your eye out! You never know when you'll stumble upon a diamond in the rough!
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