Here is a lovely home in Sagg Harbor designed by Heiberg Cummings Design. Known for their contemporary Swedish design mixed with old world antiques; they create interiors that are interesting and layered, as well as light and airy. This home is clearly influenced by the Swedish style but tempered with traditional beach house design, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.
Heiberg Cummings is known for its combination of light, simplicity and subdued colors. Notice how the walls are lightly washed with white, but instead of harsh and stark, they seem luminous and soft. You can still see the knots of the wood peeking through. I love the addition of the old, worn rugs; notice the fraying ends. The rugs add an interesting layer of warmth against the white wood walls and painted floors. Also notice the sofa's interesting lines and use of linen slipcover.

Lets take a closer look at the details that warm up this space. Notice the texture all over the room. On the floors we have worn oriental rugs, a rope knot as a door stop. Rising up you notice Linen slipcovered furniture, old washed wood tables scattered around the room, a barn wood lamp with linen shade, and even the addition of worn leather books. The windows, take on a more modern feel; adorned only with shades. All these elements add layers of warmth and interesting texture to this space.

Moving into the bedroom we see an antique chair mixed with new slipcovered upholstery. Bed linens are all natural materials that look soft and inviting. Notice the obvious lack of color which creates a soothing subdued natural palette. Pull down shades in lieu of drapes on one wall look clean and contemporary.

The bathroom is a mix of old and new. Notice the sleek light fixture and the antique Swedish chair, both elements pop because of their juxtaposition.

Heiberg Cummings Designs has offices in New York and Norway; above Bernt Heiberg and Bill Cummings. They have designed some wonderful furniture with Norwegian company, Hodnebo. Below are just a few of their lovely new pieces.

Do visit Heiberg Cummings Design to see many more wonderful interiors and visit Hodnebo to see more of their collaborative efforts.
Labels: Belgian, Heiberg Cummings, Swedish
We got quite a bit accomplished yesterday and the coop is looking good!

Since we designed this little house ourselves, it is much easier to see how it will work when we're dealing with the actual structure, versus a drawing.

But, I'm the blogger, so I choose the pics, right?
Today is all about putting up the OSB on the inside, exterior siding on the outside, and stabilizing the roof. We'll see how far he gets. We've still got quite a ways to go before it's finished, but I'm thrilled with how it looks so far!
Yesterday was beautiful so he was able to set up in the driveway, but today is rainy and grey which creates a less-than-ideal situation. A buddy of his is coming over to help and I'm hoping they will be able to achieve all of the above and then some!
Unfortunately, I won't be here. I am off to paint my parents master bedroom and bath.
Can't wait to see what the coop looks like when I get back!
Have a great day, everyone!
Labels: Carpentry, Chicken Coop, Chickens
Step #1. Build

That's right!
I wish I was there right now to see the faces of those that know us that are reading this. The reactions we get make us laugh! We've had mixed reviews on whether this is a good idea or not. Living in the middle of suburbia we get lots of "WHY???" questions. Only two people have been all for it from the start - my best friend, who thinks it's a fantastic idea (of course, she raises goats, so maybe that should have been expected) and my mother-in-law who seems genuinely excited about the whole thing! Maybe she's anticipating the fresh blue and green eggs just as much as I am! And I'm pretty sure that my dad has come around to the idea because he sent me a great link to lots of backyard chicken info!
We spent the past three days designing and re-designing the plans for our chicken coop. You'd think we were attempting to recreate the Taj Mahal with how much effort has gone into this! There is so much information out there about what a chicken coop should be like that it can make you dizzy! And we're not one's to do something half-way...if we're going to do this, then we're going to do it right! Hopefully our plan is good enough for the chickens!
All of the wood, hinges, roof tiles and wire is sitting in the garage waiting to be turned into something great! We're keeping our fingers crossed that our vision will come to life without much headache and stress!
Once the coop and run are built we will buy our chicks! Can't wait for this part! We already have names picked out, but I'll wait to share those when we introduce them to you! We want to find three Araucana chicks - also known as Easter Egg Chickens because of the gorgeous green and blue eggs that they lay.
Once the chickens are here and are old enough, we can start collecting our eggs! Can't wait for this part either!
Can you tell I'm just a little bit excited?
Wish us luck!
More importantly, wish my carpenter luck...the building part is all on him.
We'll take lots of progress pictures - that seemed to be the one thing that was lacking online. A really great and detailed "how to" would have been nice.
Oh! And if any of you have any advice to give on raising backyard chickens, we're all, I mean ears!
Off to get started...
Labels: Carpentry, Chicken Coop, Chickens, Eggs
Yesterday, our baby girl turned 3!

April 24th, 2006
Today it's all about the party!
We're having a backyard BBQ with our family, so we're keeping our fingers crossed that the sun actually shows up today! I'm hoping we can all be out on the deck and get some good use out of the new bench!
And the piece de resistance...
A Dora cake homemade by the carpenter!
Yep, he bakes too!
He makes the kids' cakes each time they have a birthday and they always turn out awesome! I'll have to share pics of past cakes.
He's good!
Off to start getting ready!
Lots of cooking and baking and cleaning and wrapping and decorating needs to happen today...
Better get moving!
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Spring is on its way and I recently opened up my beach house for the summer. In my research on Suzanne Kasler I came across her work on the 2004 showhouse for Southern Accents at Watersound Beach. But 2004 is so long ago you say - I want new and updated! Suzanne Kasler proves yet again, that classic style is timeless!

Suzanne brings in texture with the seagrass ottoman, the rug, the woven shades and the baskets. She completes the look with a vintage pond yacht model and sailing prints. I also like the touch of the vintage style electric fan. I think the noise of that fan would really add to the experience of this classic room.

So let's spend a moment to review her wonderful interpretation of the classic nautical theme for those of you who may have missed it.
Notice Suzanne's use of horizontal hung wood paneling finished with marine like varnish. This detail along with the yacht like fittings and the bunks attached to the walls with boat cleats, really gives the feeling that you are in the cabin of a boat. Swing-arm lamps, installed high on the ceiling for reading in bed. I especially like the sailcloth curtains, hung with rivets and and tied with top stitched leather fittings. All these elements bring your eye up and down around the room.

Antique badminton racquets mounted on the wall and a basket of vintage croquet items flank the cupboard, filled with assorted finds from the sea mixed with books and vases. The patchwork rug and seagrass chairs all subtlety give you the feeling of the beach in a classic and sophisticated way.

Here is another room from the showhouse. Like the room above this room also uses the warm varnished wood, but on the ceiling. Notice the sea inspired lights and nautical ladder to sleeping loft above. White slipcovered couch is welted in navy blue.

The propeller fans, lacquered red cabinets, and a porthole-like mirror, evoke the feeling of being on a ship; again in a very soothing, non kitschy way. And, again your eye moves up and down around the room as the details gently unfold themselves to you.

Wanting a sophisticated and classic nautical style? Look no further!
To see more of this house visit Southern Accents Watersound Beach Showhouse.
Labels: Beadboard, Suzanne Kasler

She has passed on the "Attitude for Gratitude" Award to me!
Thanks, Dawn!!
The rules of the Award are:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate 10 blogs that show an attitude of gratitude.
3. Link to your nominees within your post.
4. Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received this award.
5. Link back to the post and person that nominated you for the award.
6. Tell how you've come to have an attitude of gratitude.
I am so grateful for all that I have!
I have an amazing and supportive husband who is my best friend! We've been together since I was 16 - and 16 years has passed since then - that's half my life! We've been through so much together! We have 3 kids that continually remind us just how fast life passes by. Today, our baby girl turns 3 years old! How did that happen?
Time flies when you're having fun!
We have many goals for the future and I know that together we will make them happen! Being married to a pilot keeps us aware of the time that we spend together. We don't take it for granted and we always try to make the most of it.
I will admit, sometimes we have to step back and put the projects on hold because they are consuming us (that darn DIY-bug!)! We try to keep a balance!
I am continually amazed by the people that I find (or that find me) out in blogland! There is so much talent out there!
Thanks to all of you who visit my blog! I feel like I know those of you that comment on a regular basis! I am so grateful for all of your kind words and continual encouragement - YOU inspire me!
And now for my 10 blogs:
1. Blondie 'N' SC
She's witty and funny and her posts are always a joy to read!
2. Design Ties
These girl's have got it going on!
3. Our Suburban Cottage
She finds "The Look For Less" which I love!
4. Reinvented
She's a ball of energy! And an inspiration!
5. Just Beachy
She wields a nail gun like none other!
Her trim work is gorgeous!
6. Restyled Home
Chock full of good stuff!
7. Completely Coastal
The name of her blog says it all! Love it!
8. Some of My Favorite Things
She's a do'er!
Makes up her mind and gets it done!
9. a beach cottage
Her pictures are beautiful and she has the
beach look down to a science!
10. The Chronicles of Windy Ridge
Her home is jaw dropping!
And anytime I feel like I have my hands full, all I have to do is think of her...
Thanks again to Dawn at Eventually Cottage for the award!
You're a sweetheart!
Labels: Attitude For Gratitude Award

It was getting late and towards the end of the double batch of dough, I forgot to flatten the rolled dough balls and they came out of the oven extremely puffed up. So I flattened them right before I took them off the cookie sheet to cool.
The result:

To see past In The Cookie Jar posts click here!
Labels: In The Cookie Jar, Yummy

My husband declared it a piece of junk and couldn't figure out why I would even bother wasting time on it...
But, persistence pays off!

Except....I won't be giving this back.
I like it too much!
Once again, much love and thanks to my handy-carpenter-husband for making something great!
Do you know that once I got it painted he actually said " would have been a pretty headboard" to which I had to reply "See! I told you so!"
When will he learn?
So what about you? Find any good junk lately?
Be sure to head over to Between Naps On The Porch to see even more makeovers in this week's Metamorphosis Monday! And if you feel so inclined, add one of your makeovers to the list!
Many thanks to Susan for hosting this weekly event!
Another week has passed without a single post.
I wish I could say that I was on a tropical vacation, soaking up the sun with my toes in the sand, having colorful drinks with umbrellas sticking out of them handed to me while I lay on a chaise by the pool...
Not so much.
I've been here at home.
But I do have a good excuse.
The gorgeous weather started last Thursday and has been going strong ever since. So, needless to say, we have been soaking up the sun right in our own backyard. We're outside from sun up until dinner time and then when we finally do come inside it's time to eat and begin the bedtime routine, which includes long baths for the kids because they are covered in sunscreen and dirt! By the time they're in bed it's time for me to try and tackle all of the chores that I have ignored while spending the day outside...
(You should see the mountain of dirty clothes inhabiting my laundry room right now!)
All of which leaves very little time for being on the computer.
My poor husband spent the past several days sick in bed. Poor guy. That's like torture for a guy living in the Pacific Northwest who has spent a very long winter waiting to see the sun.
Luckily, he's on the mend now though! Thank goodness!
Yesterday we finally planted our Sugar Snap Peas in our little garden in the backyard.
I wish I could say that I was on a tropical vacation, soaking up the sun with my toes in the sand, having colorful drinks with umbrellas sticking out of them handed to me while I lay on a chaise by the pool...
Not so much.
I've been here at home.
But I do have a good excuse.
The gorgeous weather started last Thursday and has been going strong ever since. So, needless to say, we have been soaking up the sun right in our own backyard. We're outside from sun up until dinner time and then when we finally do come inside it's time to eat and begin the bedtime routine, which includes long baths for the kids because they are covered in sunscreen and dirt! By the time they're in bed it's time for me to try and tackle all of the chores that I have ignored while spending the day outside...
(You should see the mountain of dirty clothes inhabiting my laundry room right now!)
All of which leaves very little time for being on the computer.
My poor husband spent the past several days sick in bed. Poor guy. That's like torture for a guy living in the Pacific Northwest who has spent a very long winter waiting to see the sun.
Luckily, he's on the mend now though! Thank goodness!
Yesterday we finally planted our Sugar Snap Peas in our little garden in the backyard.

This kids decided to break out the camping chairs.
Can't wait to start camping again!

I love it that weeding is suddenly not such a chore when the sun is out! Any excuse to be out there works for me!
I'll be back to share this week's Cookie Recipe which includes a happy accident that resulted in even better cookies! And what became of that "Free Stuff" Headboard that I found on the side of the road! I love how it turned out and I can't wait to show you!
Have a Great day!
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